tuition & fees


(subject to change)

2025-2026  Community Rate*                                                       $9,280

2025-2026 Church Member Rate* **                                        $8,280

* two or more siblings who attend Christ Lutheran Grade school receive 5% discount per child

** see bottom of page for Church Member Rate information


(subject to change)

Grade School Registration Fees:
$500 per child / $900 family fee (two or more children)

Educational Trips:
$450 - $2,600

School Uniforms:
(Purchased by student through school website)

Lunches (optional):
$5-6 Daily

Athletics (5th - 8th grade):
$85 per Sport


The Admissions process includes an assessment for all incoming students by our Director of  Student Support Services to measure cognitive, motor, and language skills. Kindergarten student  assessments include a questionnaire to be completed by parents/guardians and the preschool  teacher (if applicable). 

Christ Lutheran School accepts students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin. We do not  discriminate in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and scholarship  opportunities.


Active Members of Christ Lutheran Church receive a $1,000 annual discount per student to Christ Lutheran  School (not preschool).  Active Members are those who have an annual worship attendance of at least 50%, are  financially engaged in supporting the congregation through their offerings, and partake in the Lord’s Supper  regularly.  

  • This discount is for parents/grandparents/official guardians and their children/grandchildren, who are  enrolled in Christ Lutheran School. Only applies if parents/grandparents/official guardians and also their  children/grandchildren are attending worship at Christ Lutheran Church.
  • To receive the discount or renew, a completed Annual Member Tuition Agreement is required.
  • The tuition discount for New Church Members begins the trimester following the date of their reception  into membership during worship. 
  • Attendance and giving records will be monitored twice per year to ensure 50% attendance and financial  giving (January & June). Families who have not upheld their Annual Member Tuition Agreement during the  school year will receive a status update so that they can take steps to improve their worship attendance and  participation in the life of the congregation. Failure to uphold the agreement will lead to a discontinuation  of the discount. A family can be reinstated after a trimester, if the family again meets the requirements of  the agreement.
  • Multiple discounts do not apply. (Example: If you are a member of Christ Lutheran AND a faculty member at  Concordia University, you receive the greater of the discounts)